Anmeldung & Zulassung

All individuals interested in applying to the Medicine degree program (UO 202) and/or the Dentistry degree program (UO 203) at the Medical University of Graz must take an entrance exam.

The available places in the Medicine and Dentistry degree programs are awarded based on the entrance exam. In addition, the "quota rule" applies to the Medicine degree program.

Applicants who receive a place to study based on the entrance exam must furnish proof that they have met the admissions requirements for regular degree programs:

Prior education in Austria:

  • school-leaving certificate/successful completion of the school-leaving exam/Matura (or university entrance qualification exam)
  • Information for applicants with prior education abroad or third-country nationals.

Deadline for admission

Please note that due to an amendment to the University Act shorter deadlines for admission and the re-registration for the continuation of studies will apply. For summer semester 2025, the new deadline for all studies including the postgraduate education is March 31, 2025. Missing the deadline will result in the closure of your studies and thus you will not be able to complete any academic achievements.

Diploma program medicine and dentistry

General admission period for studies with a special admission procedure

Extended general admission period for studies with a special admission procedure (PhD & Dr. sci. med.)

SS 202508.01. – 05.02.202531.03.2025 (30.04.2025)
WS 2025/2618.08. – 05.09.202531.10.2025 (30.11.2025)
SS 202607.01. – 05.02.202631.03.2026 (30.04.2026)



Studies and Teaching Management organizational unit 
Neue Stiftingtalstraße 6 WEST – P 03
8010 Graz
T: +43 316 385 73685, 73686, 73687, 73688 & 71614