Studierende sitzend am Boden

Extracurricular activities

Daily life at a university involves more than studying, teaching and researching—it includes networking, innovation, creativity and development. Above and beyond studying, our university provides different opportunities for you to gain experience, become involved and shape your individual profile. Innovative student initiatives have always played a large role at Med Uni Graz, and in recent years they have been carried out more frequently. A large number of ideas that started out small still enrich the daily life of students today—and the next project is surely already taking shape in a student's head!

Studieren Vertretung & Beratung

Interest Representation & Counseling

ÖH Med Graz

ÖH Med Graz — the Austrian National Union of Students — is the legal representative of all students and a corporation under public law.

Counseling center Peer2Peer

Specially trained students provide advising, accompaniment and mentoring with any difficulties or crises during their studies, as well as with personal problems.

Studieren Trainings & Vertiefungen

Training & Consolidation

The knowledge acquired during your studies can be supplemented and deepened in numerous activities:

Freizeit Chor und Orchester

Leisure activities


The big band, choir and  orchestra of the ÖH Med Graz and the Med Uni Graz offer music-loving students the opportunity to pursue their passion!


All students, staff and graduates of an Austrian university or higher education institutions are cordially invited to participate in the Graz University Sports USI.