
Extension programs

Since winter semester 2020/2021, Med Uni Graz has offered three extension programs that teach and extend core competencies:

Extension programs...

...are degree programs that serve the purpose of teaching and extending core competencies according to § 54a UG. They permit students to develop professional competencies for their careers and to become more professional in their daily work routines.

Erweiterungsstudium Allgemeinmedizin

General Practice extension program

The General Practice extension program aims to prepare students to meet future challenges in the constantly changing health sector. The responsibilities of the general practitioner in the healthcare system and the special approach to patients through long-term care concepts, biopsychosocial understanding and knowledge of familial and regional circumstances are consolidated. Students have the opportunity to become acquainted with new and traditional forms of general practice, reflecting on them and enhancing them.

Erweiterungsstudium Digitalisierung in der Medizin

Digitization in Medicine extension program

The Digitization in Medicine extension program consolidates prior skills and enables acquisition of new knowledge and skills in the area of data/information literacy, i.e. for the systematic use of data and information in medicine, their analysis, visualization and communication as the basis for medical decisions and the actions of medical professionals. In particular, students are introduced to algorithmic thinking in medicine so that they can deal with both general and individual medical questions and problems with the help of information technology and find effective and efficient solutions and approaches.

Erweiterungsstudium Medizinische Forschung

Medical Research extension program

The Medical Research extension program enables acquisition of background knowledge and basic competencies as related to basic medical research and clinical research and aims to make it possible for students to develop professional competencies for their later professional careers. Based on the university’s basic principle of research-guided teaching, students are prepared for the doctoral program (in medical science or the PhD program) and become capable of independently approaching work on existing scientific problems and thus conducting research projects.


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Für Personen die laufend zum Diplomstudium Human- oder Zahnmedizin an der Medizinischen Universität Graz zugelassen sind, wird die Zulassung ausschließlich online über die Studienvoranmeldung abgewickelt. Es ist kein persönlicher Termin in der OE Studienmanagement erforderlich. Sie erhalten eine Verständigung per E-Mail sobald Ihre Zulassung erledigt wurde.

Personen die aktuell nicht (mehr) zum Diplomstudium Human- oder Zahnmedizin an der Medizinischen Universität Graz zugelassen sind, werden nach Erledigung der Studienvoranmeldung zu einem persönlichen Zulassungstermin in der OE Studienmanagement gebeten.


Studies and Teaching Management Organizational Unit 
Neue Stiftingtalstraße 6 WEST – P 03
8010 Graz
T: +43 316 385 73685, 73686, 73687, 73688 & 71614

Extension programs

... at Med Uni Graz