
The portfolio of the Medical University of Graz is characterized by innovative and practice-oriented education, forward-thinking and excellent research and first-class and personalized patient care. The university follows the biopsychosocial model, which focuses on all aspects of the human being, whose problems arise within a specific environment.

Students in all our programs benefit from early practical experience, seminars and intensive small group instruction. Along with comprehensive expertise, we also value social competence and an ethical attitude. The acquisition of numerous practical skills becomes more intense over the course of the degree program. Our students are able to consolidate medical skills for their later working life at Austria's first clinical skills center—a medical training center.
All Med Uni Graz professional development programs are offered through the Postgraduate School.

Degree programs



The Medicine diploma program prepares students for their future career as a physician in all medical specialties. Theoretical principles and practical skills are taught in an integrative, topic-centered and patient-oriented manner. A special emphasis is placed on aspects of the humanities in the spirit of the biopsychosocial model. The basic elements of scientific thought are also conveyed.



The Dentistry degree program starts with a comprehensive basic education and gradually provides students with specialist know-how: The main subjects in its innovative and practical training are dental preservation, prosthodontics, periodontology, oral surgery and orthodontics.


Nursing science

The Nursing Science degree program is oriented to the diverse needs and challenges in the nursing and healthcare sector. Typical content includes not only theoretical and practical fundamentals of health care and nursing but also special focus topics, for example health promotion and disease prevention.

Interprofessional Health Care Studies

Interprofessional Health Care Studies

The Interprofessional Health Care Studies master's program is targeted at graduates of bachelor degree programs in a variety of health care professions with comprehensive specialist competence. The aim of the program is to qualify students for interprofessional collaboration in a challenging and constantly changing health care sector. They acquire comprehensive knowledge of science, research, research methods, implementation research, health and care research and health literacy. The program emphasizes interprofessional exchange in order to qualify students to apply their knowledge and skills across professions for evidence-based practice.

 PhD Programm

Doctoral programs

PhD programs and doctoral programs prepare the next generation of researchers for independent research in medicine, the life sciences and nursing science. They combine scientific mentoring with state-of-the-art techniques and an extensive training program (seminars, journal clubs, workshops, scientific networking) in an integrative research environment.


Extension programs

At Med Uni Graz, the three extension programs General Practice, Digitalization in Medicine and Medical Research facilitate the acquisition and extension of core competencies. According to § 54a of the Universities Act, extension programs are degree programs that serve the purpose of teaching and extending core competencies. They permit students to develop professional competencies for their careers and to become more professional in their daily work routines.


Professional development opportunities

The wide range of professional development opportunities at the Medical University of Graz is directed at a variety of occupational groups in the fields of medicine, science and research, nursing and health services. Most of the professional development courses can be completed while the participant is regularly employed and provide him/her with a valuable additional qualification.

More about professional development opportunities


Office of the Vice Rector of Studies and Teaching 
T: +43 316 385 74182