
The Medical University of Graz strives to maintain, restore and improve the health and well-being of its patients and the entire population on the basis of scientific expertise and research. All the main responsibilities of Med Uni Graz - research, studies and patient care - follow this guiding principle.

All people involved in interdisciplinary, cooperative work at Med Uni Graz contribute to the realization of this principle: doctors, researchers, teachers, students and all other staff. They see themselves as pioneering minds.

Prävention & Vorsorge


Unser Angebot für Ihre Gesundheit

Einen spannenden und kurzweiligen Einblick in das Leistungsspektrum der vier Diagnostik- und Forschungsinstitute der Med Uni Graz vermitteln diese ausgewählte Videos.

Learn more

Whether you are looking for information about new research findings, would like to increase your knowledge in a postgraduate course, are curious about our events or want to find out more about Med Uni Graz experts and our health promotion opportunities, our website is full of information for you. We are happy you are interested.


Patient health and well-being

Following the holistic view of the human being at Med Uni Graz, we regard the full range of patient health and well-being. All aspects of health and well-being - prevention, prediction and diagnosis, treatment and healing of disease and palliative care for incurable disease - are always embedded in a practice that is humanistic, biopsychosocial, human-centered, personalized and research-based.

Logo Uniklinikum

Drei Kernkompetenzen im Mittelpunkt

Im Universitätsklinikum Graz werden drei Kernkompetenzen vereint:

  • erstklassige und personalisierte Patient*innenbetreuung
  • innovative und praxisnahe Ausbildung
  • zukunftsweisende und exzellente Forschung.

Das Universitätsklinikum wird von der Klinikumsleitung geführt, bestehend aus dem Rektor, dem Vizerektor für Klinische Agenden und dem Direktorium des Universitätsklinikums.

Zur Website des LKH-Universitätsklinkum Graz


Public Relations and Event Management Staff Unit  
Auenbruggerplatz 2 / Third floor
8036 Graz
T: +43 316 385 72023