PI: Ellen Heitzer
Focus: Personalized medicine is the practice of clinical decision-making that maximizes the outcomes that the patient cares about most while minimizing those that the patient fears the most, based on all available knowledge of the individual’s state (Pauker and Kassirer N Engl J Med, 1987). Precision medicine, which has become a clinical reality due to our increasing biological knowledge in health and disease, combines the goals of personalized medicine with the information of an individual’s genes or proteins to prevent, diagnose, or treat disease. In cancer, precision medicine promises to radically individualize patient care by preventing disease, improving survival and extending health span.
Network: We have experienced clinical partners various types of solid tumors at the Division of Oncology, the Department of Gynecology as and the Department of Urology. Moreover, we are closlely working with the Departments of Hematology, Pediatric Haematology/Oncology and Orthopedic in the context of hematological diseases and sarcoma. In addition we have a longstanding collaboration with the Institute of Pathology at the MUG or the Department of Pathology, at the LKH II. Moreover, we collaborate with oncologists at the LKH Fürstenfeld and LKH Hochsteiermark.