Forschung Gottfried Schatz Forschungszentrum

Research focus Signaling

PI: Helmut Bischof

Focus: We are dedicated to studying the interactions between cancer cells and immune cells, with a particular focus on cytotoxic T cells. This specific subgroup of the immune system is capable of recognizing and eliminating tumor cells. However, despite this natural defense capability, cancer cells often manage to evade these T cells and protect themselves from the lethal cytotoxic reaction. Our team investigates how these protective mechanisms can be overcome to make cancer cells vulnerable again and to activate the body’s own immune response.

A central aspect of our research is the analysis of intercellular communication and exchange processes that contribute to cancer progression or the development of resistance to immune defenses.

By applying approaches at the molecular, (sub)cellular, and systemic levels in clinically relevant samples and preclinical models, we ultimately aim to identify target structures in the fight against cancer, develop new therapeutic strategies, and translate these findings into patient-related samples for validation.

Network: To comprehensively address these research topics, we work closely with local and international partners. Additionally, collaboration with colleagues from the Division of Oncology provides a fundamental basis for the research questions being addressed.


Targeting intra- and extracellular K+ in cancer

  • Many cancers are typically associated with altered expression patterns of ion channels, particularly potassium (K+) channels. However, the impact of these channels on subcellular K+ homeostasis remains largely unexplored. In this project, we aim to investigate how different expression patterns of K+ channels and alterations in the extracellular K+ concentration influence the subcellular K+ homeostasis, and how this may affect cancer cell malignancy.
  • Duration: 2024 – 2026
  • Funded by: FWF

Division of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

Helmut Bischof,  BSc MSc PhD
T: +43 316 385 71974