Betriebsrat für das wissenschaftliche Universitätspersonal

Works Council for Academic University Staff

The works council represents the academic staff of the Medical University of Graz. The works council is not bound by directives. As a collegial body, it makes its decisions with the majority of its members, who work on a voluntary basis. The council is responsible for representing and promoting the economic, social, health and cultural interests of university employees and ensuring that valid legislation, contracts, decrees and orders are complied with and carried out for their benefit.

Ärztin schreibt auf Tastatur


The works council

  • negotiates works agreements (internal regulations such as data protection or flextime) and ensures compliance
  • acts as a collegial body and makes its decisions with the majority of its members
  • has the right to take a position on terminations and dismissals and to challenge them in a court of law
  • is entitled to have a say in the arrangement of the workplace as well as in personnel and economic matters
  • can prevent transfers (under certain circumstances) but must be informed about all matters affecting the employees
  • ensures the greatest possible transparency and information for all employees
  • is obligated to maintain confidentiality and represents employees only after receiving his/her mandate


The works council for academic and artistic university staff is composed of university professors, university lecturers and academic and artistic staff members involved in research, art and teaching (also lecturers and student assistants). It also represents physicians in medical specialist training and logically physicians according to Austrian Universities Act UG 02 § 94, 3 (5) (ward physicians) who are otherwise classified as general university staff.


Other members

Our cooperating partners

  • Our employees can find special conditions and offers on the intranet


Office hours by telephone appointment
Katrin Kohlberger 
Office hours: Monday - Friday, 8.00 am - 12.00 pm and by appointment
Auenbruggerplatz 2/9/I, 8036 Graz
T: +43 316 385 72081


Office hours by telephone appointment
Rina Ahmeti 
Office hours: Monday - Friday, 8.00 am - 12.00 pm and by appointment
Auenbruggerplatz 2/9/I, 8036 Graz
T: +43 316 385 72084