Tenure track professorships

Tenure track professorships: A big boost for science

Are you one of the best (junior) researchers in the world and want to raise the level of basic and clinical research with your pioneering achievements? The best (junior) researchers from around the world who hold their own in the selection procedure have a unique opportunity as tenure track professors at Med Uni Graz: they can establish a working group in their field of research in the state-of-the-art, point-of-care environment of Medical Science City Graz and share their special expertise with the international research community over the course of a long-term scientific career. The position is initially limited to six years, during which the goals of the qualification agreement must be met. If the candidate demonstrates outstanding and remarkable achievements, an evaluation of the qualification agreement may be possible sooner. When the defined goals have been achieved, an unlimited term contract as an associate professor is concluded, which entails belonging to the professorial curia as well as taking on responsibility for one's own field of research. On to new research adventures!

Einblicke in unsere Arbeit

Julia Kargl ist als Assoziierte Professorin am Lehrstuhl für Pharmakologie tätig.

Der Lehrstuhl für Physiologie & Pathophysiologie sucht eine/n

Tenure Track Professor of Sex and Gender-dependent Mechanisms in the Pathophysiology of Cardio-metabolic Disease

Kennzahl: LS-PHYSIO-2024-002972

Bewerbungsfrist: 07.11.2024

We are looking for an excellent researcher with great potential to develop an internationally renowned research agenda in translational research on the pathophysiology of cardiometabolic disease with inclusion of sex and gender-dependent aspects as important biological variables. The new position will complement the ongoing research activities of the Division of Physiology & Pathophysiology. The initial appointment is limited to six years. After the conclusion of a qualification agreement, the career advancement goal is to transfer to a tenured position as an associate professor (tenure track professor pursuant to § 99 para. 5 and 6 of the Universities Act). If the candidate demonstrates outstanding and remarkable achievements, the qualification agreement may be fulfilled more quickly.

Ihre Aufgaben in dieser Position beinhalten:

  • Conducting cutting-edge research in the field of translational cardiometabolic research with a special focus on sex and gender-dependent health determinants
  • Establishing and managing a multidisciplinary research group that builds bridges between experimental and clinical research
  • Establishing a sex and gender medicine research unit at the Medical University of Graz with collaborations that also includes other academic institutions in Graz (i.e., University of Graz and Graz University of Technology)
  • Acquisition of competitive third-party funding, EU projects and industry-related funding
  • Writing and publishing high-impact scientific papers in the cardiovascular and metabolic fields with inclusion of sex and gender-dependent aspects as important biological variables
  • Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, supervising diploma and PhD students and mentoring and promoting young researchers
  • Establishing and maintaining local, national and international networks of scientific excellence
  • Participating in national and international professional societies and conferences and organizing meetings and workshops
  • Scientific outreach in the fields of cardiometabolic medicine and sex and gender medicine

Für diese Position bringen Sie folgende Qualifikationen und Kenntnisse mit:

  • MD or PhD or equivalent doctoral degree in cardiovascular sciences, exercise physiology, translational molecular medicine or a related discipline
  • Proven track record of high-impact publications in the field of cardiovascular and metabolic research
  • Peer-reviewed research grants or other third-party funding as the lead or co-investigator in the field of cardiovascular and metabolic research
  • Previous experience in teaching and/or (co)supervising pre- and postgraduate students (depending on the applicant’s career stage)
  • Postdoctoral research fellowship abroad or at a different institution than where the MD or PhD was completed
  • High level of proficiency in both written and spoken English (equivalent to proficiency level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and strong willingness to teach in German within 2 years

Idealerweise zählen zu Ihrem Profil:

  • MD-PhD in cardiovascular sciences, exercise physiology, translational molecular medicine or related disciplines
  • Specialization qualification in internal medicine, endocrinology or cardiology
  • Experience in supervising a research group and leadership skills
  • Habilitation
  • Clinical research experience about sex-specific aspects including imaging, biomarkers and treatment
  • Hands-on experience with advanced techniques, i.e., echocardiography, heart rate variability, arterial stiffness, flow-mediated dilation, ergospirometry
  • Familiarity with basic laboratory techniques of relevance, e.g., flow cytometry, in vivo cardiometabolic animal models and/or cellular metabolism measurements, ex vivo myograph vascular studies

Eintrittsdatum: 01.02.2025

initially limited to 6 years, becoming a tenured position when the qualification agreement is met

Beschäftigungsausmaß: 100%

Einstufung in die Verwendungsgruppe A2 nach Kollektivvertrag für ArbeitnehmerInnen der Universitäten.

Application: The Medical University of Graz invites all applicants to submit their application online by 7 November 2024.

Please note that we can only consider complete applications that have been received by the application deadline. A list of the documents to be submitted can be found here.

Statutory information: The minimum remuneration is based on the collective agreement for university employees (KV § 49.2).

Scheduled date for job interview: 20 January 2025 at the Medical University of Graz

The Medical University of Graz is committed to increasing the proportion of women in management positions at universities in Austria and encourages qualified women to apply. Among applicants with equal qualifications, female applicants will be given priority. We also welcome applications from qualified individuals with disabilities and encourage them to apply.

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