Tablet und Stift

R course for users with menu based statistical software skills

R is a statistical program that can be used interactively to explore data or used as a programming language to implement complex data analyses. It is extensible via libraries and covers a high variety of evaluation tools. Unlike a menu-based programme such as SPSS, GraphPad Prism, STATA ... , R requires programming skills. After an introduction to the environment of R, participants are trained step by step to create simple data preparations and analysis in an inspiring workshop based atmosphere by their own. The focus is on teaching programming skills with regard to statistical issues. Various exercises help participants to consolidate the course content they have learned and to immediately apply their newly acquired knowledge to practical examples.

Training content

  • R Introduction: Introduction to R Studio, First programming steps in R
  • Data preparation in R: Data import (different formats SPSS, Excel, csv,), Data types, data preparation (filter data, transform and recode data, missing data) implementaton of a simple data management workflow in a few steps
  • Descriptive statistics in R
  • Inferential statistic: Distributions and testing for normal distribution, correlations, t-tests (with possible extensions), linear regression models, on demand survival models
  • Graph creation in base R (bar charts, scatterplot, boxplot,...)
  • Short introduction to R Markdown

For registration please fill in the registration form:

Equipment: Please take a laptop with you.