MedAT-Z Vorbereitung

Only those individuals who have completed online registration on time and whose payment has been received in the Med Uni Graz account may take the test!

The MedAT-Z Medicine entrance exam is a written multiple-choice test that consists of four sections:

  • The basic knowledge in medical studies section (BMS) consists of a standardized multiple-choice test that assesses prior knowledge of basic subjects related to medicine such as biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics.
  • The manual skills (MF) test measures important practical skills required for the Dentistry degree program. It consists of the subtests wire bending and mirroring shapes.
  • The cognitive abilities and skills section (KFF) consists of four groups of tasks and includes basic cognitive abilities and skills that are highly predictive of successful completion of the Medicine degree program.
    • Number sequences (ZF): This group of tasks measures the ability to recognize general laws, understand implications and draw logical conclusions.
    • Memory and retention (GM): This group of tasks measures the cognitive ability to memorize figurative, numerical and verbal content and access it flexibly as needed by asking students to recognize and correctly classify it later on in this section of the test.
    • Composing figures (FZ): This group of tasks measures the cognitive ability to analyze visual information and construct visual figures.
    • Word fluency (WF): This group of tasks measures flexibility in retrieving content from semantic memory.
  • The socioemotional skills section (SEK) consists of three groups of multiple-choice tasks that cover important aspects of socioemotional skills.
    • Regulate Emotions (ER): Assesses applicants’ knowledge of the effectiveness of different ways of dealing with emotions in different situations where specific goals must be achieved. For this purpose, the applicants are asked to choose from four alternatives the way of dealing with emotions that best achieves the specified goals.
    • Identifying emotions (EE): This group of tasks assesses the ability to identify what a certain person probably feels in a specific situation based on a description of people and situations.
    • Social decision-making (SE): This group of tasks measures the capacity to rank decisions in social contexts according to their importance. This assesses an area that is particularly relevant to medical practice.

The test is only offered in German.

Detailed information on preparation for the MedAT-Z is available at the Virtuellen Medizinischen Campus (VMC) including lists of keywords on the individual topics of the BMS that reflect its content. These lists should be used as the basis for preparation for the BMS. A practice test is also available. Sample exercises are provided for preparation for the reading comprehension test.

Med Uni Graz does not recommend individual textbooks on the topics covered by the BMS since the questions were not developed from a textbook. The list of all textbooks approved for academic secondary schools is available here. The textbooks in this list can serve as a guide for the relevant subjects.

The test results are only valid for admission in academic year 2025/26. There are neither bonus points nor a waiting list for individuals who would like to apply for admission in future academic years.

Med Uni Graz distances itself from all preparatory courses for the entrance exam!

Disclosure of test tasks from the MedAT entrance exam to third parties and their use is prohibited according to the act on admission requirements for the Medicine and Dentistry degree programs as well as by copyright law! Test questions may not be published/shared over the Internet (Facebook, etc.). In the event of violation, the medical universities shall be indemnified and held harmless and reserve the right to take legal action in this case.