Doctoral Program of Medical Science

Doctoral Program
in Medical Science

Goals and Qualification Profile

The Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences serves to equip students with the skills for conducting independent research so that they may contribute to the advancement of the medical sciences. It aims to bring about future generations of research scientists in the fields of medical and natural sciences.  

Doctoral students will obtain the skills for independent academic work in a research field of the medical sciences. Due to the comprehensive and in-depth training program they will be able to formulate  independent  research  projects  based  on current issues  in medicine, carry  them  out independently, and through their findings, expand the knowledge base in the field of their specialty. Doctoral students will also be able to engage in critical analysis, evaluation and development of current scientific theories and new concepts in the medical sciences. They shall be regarded as young professionals in the medical sciences who are contributing to the development of medicine in both academic and non-academic fields of activity.

Admission and application

Application and admission

New admission procedure in the Doctoral Program of Medical Sciences!

Candidates who request admission to the Doctoral Program of Medical Science will be invited to a presentation of the doctoral thesis abstract selected and a personal interview in English language.

Registration deadline for hearing (Admission in Winter Term 2025/2026): September 10th, 2025


As part of the doctoral program, the following courses must be completed:  

Please note that...

... the courses are conducted in English.

... at least 50% of the courses shall be completed at the Medical University of Graz. The interim reports must be made at the Medical University of Graz.

... the successful completion of the courses is determined by the completion of course examinations and courses with continuous performance assessment with a passing grade. The sum of all course examinations represents the first part of the oral dissertation examination.


Miriam Sedej PhD
T: +43 316 385 71630
Miriam Sedej

Domenic Hofmann BA MA
T: +43 0316 385 72086
Domenic Hofmann