20 Jahre Med Uni Graz

20 years Med Uni Graz

The Medical University of Graz celebrates its 20th birthday in 2024! Since its foundation, it has made an impressive journey and achieved worldwide recognition. The young university has been able to train numerous young doctors, contribute to groundbreaking research breakthroughs, expand our understanding of diseases and develop therapies that always focus on people in their entirety.

Below you will find the experiences, moments and encounters that staff, students, graduates and many others shared with us to mark the anniversary.

Here you will find all contributions received (German only)
20 Jahre Med Uni Graz

The history of Med Uni Graz
Join us on a pictorial journey through time over the past 20 years.


A faculty becomes an university. On January 1, 2004, the Medical University of Graz is founded as an autonomous university. Gerhard Franz Walter is elected as the first rector of the new university. From 2004 to 2008, he held the highest office at the Medical University of Graz.


One year after its foundation, the first honorary doctorate of the Medical University of Graz was awarded to Ibrahim Abouleish. Ibrahim Abouleish completed his doctorate in technical chemistry at Graz University of Technology in 1969 and subsequently worked in a leading position in industrial pharmaceutical research. In 1977, he founded the “Development Initiative” Sekem, which is committed to the social and material development of Egypt.


Milestone for the research infrastructure of Med Uni Graz. In 2006, a spectacular magnetic resonance imaging research facility was put into operation. At the time, this was the most modern facility in the world.


Medical studies at the highest level. In 2006, the unique compulsory general medicine rotation is integrated into the course at the Medical University of Graz.


The first graduates complete the new human medicine curriculum at the Medical University of Graz. The ceremonial handover of the diplomas has already been carried out by the new Rector, Josef Smolle. Josef Smolle was to steer the fortunes of Med Uni Graz from 2008 to 2016.


Austria's first Clinical Skills Center is opened at the Medical University of Graz. In the same year, Rudolf Bratschko, then President of the Austrian Society for Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine, was appointed the first Honorary Senator of the Medical University of Graz.


Award of the “European Charter for Researchers” as the first university in Austria. In the same year, Rupert Tunner is awarded the title of Honorary Citizen for his special services to our university.


Launch of the inter-university platform "BioPersMed". The “Styrian University Conference” platform was also launched. In 2011, a cooperation agreement was concluded between KAGes and Med Uni Graz and Walter Thiel was awarded the Auenbrugger Cross of Honor.


The University Hospital Graz celebrates its 100th birthday. The QM system of Med Uni Graz is certified in all service areas without conditions and research performance has tripled since the university was founded in 2004.


The ground-breaking ceremony for Module 1 of MED CAMPUS Graz provides an important impetus for the future of Med Uni Graz and Stephan Moser is awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Med Uni Graz.


The Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Medicine (ZWT)  is opened on the new campus of the Medical University of Graz and Wolfgang Köle is awarded an honorary doctorate.


The appointment of two professors strengthen the microbiom research area and Anton Sadjak, holder of the Grand Decoration of Honor in Silver for Services to the Republic of Austria, was appointed Honorary Senator of the Medical University of Graz.


After two terms of office under Josef Smolle, Hellmut Samonigg becomes the new Rector of the Medical University of Graz and Julius Kraft-Kinz is awarded the Auenbrugger Cross of Honor.


The highlight of 2017: the opening of Module 1 of MED CAMPUS Graz is a key event in the history of Med Uni Graz. After four years of construction, our university entered a new era with a festive ceremony. The then Governor of Styria, Hermann Schützenhöfer, was made an Honorary Senator of Med Uni Graz.


Three new research centers will be established at the Medical University of Graz, which will bundle the preclinical area and create additional synergies: The Otto Loewi Research Center for Vascular Biology, Immunology and Inflammation, the Gottfried Schatz Research Center for Cell Signaling, Metabolism and Aging and the Diagnostic and Research Center for Molecular BioMedicine.


The ground-breaking ceremony for the construction of Module 2 of MED CAMPUS Graz took place in 2019. This was officially opened in spring 2023 after a 4-year construction period.


The new Rectorate team around Hellmut Samonigg takes up their duties. Andreas Leithner became Vice-Rector for Clinical Agendas, Caroline Schober Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs. Birgit Hochenegger-Stoirer, Vice-Rector for Financial Management, Law and Digitalization, and Sabine Vogl, Vice-Rector for Studies and Teaching, are also members of the new Rectorate.


The Medical University of Graz was awarded an outstanding 196th place in the Times Higher Education global university ranking (THE World University Ranking), making it one of only two Austrian universities, together with the University of Vienna, to appear in the top 200 universities worldwide.


Thanks to the commitment and tireless efforts of all university members, the “Pioneering Minds”, the Medical University of Graz has risen a further 28 places in the Times Higher Education University Ranking, taking an outstanding 168th place in 2022. This makes Med Uni Graz once again the second best-ranked university in Austria and at the same time the best-ranked medical university in the country.


In 2023, Med Uni Graz awarded three outstanding personalities with the Auenbrugger Medal of Honor in honor of their services to the institution. Gilbert Reibnegger, Josef Smolle and Karlheinz Tscheliessnigg received the Med Uni Graz's highest award from Rector Hellmut Samonigg. It is the first time that this medal has been awarded for special services to the Med Uni Graz.


On February 15, 2024, Andrea Kurz will take over the position of Rector of Med Uni Graz. After 3 male predecessors, she is the first woman to hold the highest office at Med Uni Graz. Together with her, Christian Enzinger, Manuela Gross, Erwin Petek and Alexander Rosenkranz form the rectorate team. We wish her every success in the coming 4 years!