Team leader: Christine Moissl-Eichinger
Focus: The main aim is to explore the human microbiome (gut, mouth, skin, etc.) and its interactions with environmental microbiomes (e.g., interiors). Research projects encompass pregnancy and early childhood health, the nasal microbiome and sense of smell, skin and gut and the interaction of the microbiome with the human immune system. Chrstine Moissl-Eichinger is especially interested in unusual microorganisms that are difficult to detect—including archaea. Though no pathogenic representative of these archaea is yet known, they are widespread in the environment—and also in the human body.
Networking: Thanks to Interactive Microbiome Research, the exploration of the microbiome in Graz is nationally and internationally visible. Within the Medical University of Graz, the Moissl-Eichinger working group supports clinical research in a variety of projects. In addition, the interuniversity BioTechMed initiative pools existing and new expertise in the exciting interdisciplinary field of microbiome research within the city of Graz.
Interactive Microbiome Research is well established within the Austrian Microbiome Initiative AMICI and collaborates with national and international partners worldwide.