Diagnostik- und Forschungszentrum

Research focus Translational Orthopaedic Pathology

PI: Iva Brcic

Bone and joint pathology is a comprehensive field of diseases and includes a spectrum from tumor-like, infectious, degenerative, inflammatory, autoimmune to neoplastic diseases. The group focuses on applied clinical research as well as basic research and training of younger colleagues. The focus is on the study of tumor mimics and rare tumor entities, and the characterization of benign and malignant primary bone tumors. Morphological and genetic features are studied and correlated with clinicopathological and radiological findings. The goal of this research is to better understand the origin and diversity of bone tumors and to develop alternative therapeutic concepts. In addition, we organize an MSK Journal Club ("Translational Research of the Musculoskeletal Apparatus") as part of the Doctoral School (Bones, muscles, joints).

Internal cooperation partners:

  • Diagnostic and Research Institute of Human Genetics (AG E. Heitzer and S. Hasenleithner)
  • University Department of Radiology (J. Igrec)
  • University Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology (A. Leithner, S. Scheipl, M. Smolle, A. Dimosthenis, T. Kraus)
  • Clinical Department of Oncology, University Deaprtment of Internal Medicine (J. Szkandera)
  • University Department of Dentistry and Oral Health (B. Kirnbauer, P. Rugani)

External cooperation partners:

  • AKH Vienna (T. Brodowicz)
  • Institute of Pathology, Munich-Bogenhausen Clinic (P. Jurmeister)
  • Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, USA (AE. Rosenberg)
  • Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon and Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth, USA (DA. Kerr)


Clinicopathological characterization of osteoid osteomas and comparison of two treatment modalities

 Clinicopathological characterization of osteoid osteomas and comparison of two treatment modalities

Morphological and genetic characterization of benign osteogenic tumors and their correlation with clinicopathological and radiological findings

Morphological and genetic characterization of benign osteogenic tumors and their correlation with clinicopathological and radiological findings

Clinicopathological and radiological characterization of benign fibro-osseous lesions of the craniofacial bones – a retrospective study

Clinicopathological and radiological characterization of benign fibro-osseous lesions of the craniofacial bones – a retrospective study

Diagnostic and Research Institute of Pathology

Univ. FÄ Priv.-Doz.in Dr.in med.univ. et scient.med.
Iva Brcic 
T: +43 316 385 71716