Tenure track professorships

Tenure track professorships: A big boost for science

Are you one of the best (junior) researchers in the world and want to raise the level of basic and clinical research with your pioneering achievements? The best (junior) researchers from around the world who hold their own in the selection procedure have a unique opportunity as tenure track professors at Med Uni Graz: they can establish a working group in their field of research in the state-of-the-art, point-of-care environment of Medical Science City Graz and share their special expertise with the international research community over the course of a long-term scientific career. The position is initially limited to six years, during which the goals of the qualification agreement must be met. If the candidate demonstrates outstanding and remarkable achievements, an evaluation of the qualification agreement may be possible sooner. When the defined goals have been achieved, an unlimited term contract as an associate professor is concluded, which entails belonging to the professorial curia as well as taking on responsibility for one's own field of research. On to new research adventures!

Einblicke in unsere Arbeit

Julia Kargl ist als Assoziierte Professorin am Lehrstuhl für Pharmakologie tätig.

The Division of Neonatology is looking for a

Tenure Track Professor of Neonatologist-performed Functional Imaging during Postnatal Stabilization

Identification number: KA-NEONA-2025-003208

Application time: 04/24/2025

We are looking for an excellent specialist and researcher with great potential to expand our internationally renowned scientific and research agenda in the field of neonatology. The successful candidate should be a proven expert in the field of neonatology, in particular neonatal care for preterm/full-term infants and neonatologist-performed functional imaging, and represent it in research, teaching and patient care. The Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine takes a holistic healthcare approach according to the biopsychosocial model when treating its patients. The successful candidate should be willing to engage in interdisciplinary and interprofessional cooperation between different specialist areas as well as with occupational groups that provide care and technical medical services. The initial appointment is limited to six years with a qualification agreement (tenure track model pursuant to § 99 para. 5 and 6 of the Universities Act). The career advancement goal is to transfer to a tenured position as an associate professor. If the candidate demonstrates outstanding and remarkable achievements, the qualification agreement may be fulfilled more quickly.

Core duties and responsibilities:

  • Innovatively advancing research in the field of neonatal care for preterm/full-term infants and neonatologist-performed functional imaging
  • Designing, acquiring, implementing and managing funded research projects
  • Establishing and leading a nationally and internationally recognized multidisciplinary team and promoting junior researchers and clinicians
  • Cooperating on research that exploits the existing strengths of the department and other related disciplines at the Medical University of Graz
  • Providing patient care according to modern biopsychosocial and personalized medicine and beeing willing to be on call
  • Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in medicine, supervising diploma and PhD students and mentoring and promoting junior researchers
  • Establishing and maintaining networks through local, national and international research collaborations
  • Writing and publishing high-quality scientific papers
  • Organizing and participating in conferences in the academic field
  • Participating in effective public relations work in the research area (public lectures, media, etc.)

Successful candidates must have the following qualifications:

  • Degree in medicine and a relevant doctoral degree
  • Authorization to practice as a specialist in pediatrics and adolescent medicine in Austria or the equivalent qualification from another country
  • Specialization in neonatology and pediatric intensive care medicine
  • Extensive experience in patient care in the area of neonatology, including neonatal care and care for extremely preterm infants
  • Extensive experience in the interpretation of imaging techniques and functional diagnostics in the initial care of newborns
  • In-depth research expertise in the field of neonatology and neonatal care for preterm/full-term infants
  • Experience in conducting clinical trials (especially as the PI) as well as acquisition of third-party funding
  • Experience in university teaching and/or (co)supervising diploma/doctoral students and/or training postdoctoral scholars
  • Research stay of at least six months at a different research institution than where the specialist training was received
  • C1 level of proficiency in both spoken and written German and English (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)

The ideal candidate has the following profile:

  • Experience in the development of new imaging techniques and/or advancement of existing methods for use in the postnatal adaptation phase
  • Great willingness to engage in interdisciplinary and interprofessional cooperation
  • Experience in setting up and directing a scientific working group
  • Proven track record of international networking and lecturing
  • Ability to work in teams and ability to motivate colleagues and students
  • Systematic and analytical work habits, resilience and problem-solving skills
  • Empathy and good communication and social skills
  • Management and leadership skills

Entry date: 03/12/2025

initially limited to 6 years, becoming a tenured position when the qualification agreement is met

Level of employment: 100%

Classification in employment group A2 according to the collective agreement for university employees.

Application: The Medical University of Graz invites all applicants to submit their application online by 24th of April 2025.

Please note that we can only consider complete applications that have been received by the application deadline. A list of the documents to be submitted can be found here.

Statutory information: The minimum remuneration is based on the collective agreement for university employees (KV § 49.2).

Scheduled date for job interview: 4th of June 2025 at the Medical University of Graz

The Medical University of Graz is committed to increasing the proportion of women in management positions at universities in Austria and encourages qualified women to apply. Among applicants with equal qualifications, female applicants will be given priority. We also welcome applications from qualified individuals with disabilities and encourage them to apply.

Apply now

Due to technical conditions, there may be restrictions on online applications. If you cannot access the application form using "Apply Now", please send your application documents to bewerbung@medunigraz.at.


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