Ladies & Gentlemen Dear Collegues!
We are pleased to invite you to the HPB Masterclass 2025, an esteemed gathering of the europe´s foremost experts in hepatobiliary surgery. This year, the congress will take place in the Red Bull Congress Center in Spielberg, Austria! The HPB Masterclass 2025 promises a rich and diverse program, featuring live operations in the field and keynote presentations from national and international top experts. This event is designed to provide unparalleled oppurtinities for learning, collaboration, and advancement in the fiel of hepatobiliary surgery. Experts will share their latest research and experience about minimalinvasive surgery, oncologic liver transplantation, and artificial intelligence. This meeting is an invaluable opportunity for both seasoned professionals and emerging talents in hepatobiliary surgery to expand their knowledge, refine their skills and build meaningful connections.
Prim. Univ. Prof. Dr. Robert Sucher, Head, Department of General, Visceral and Transplant Surgery
Assoz. Prof. PD Dr. Philipp Stiegler Deputy Head, Department of General, Visceral and Transplant Surgery
Dr. Mathieu D´Hondt, Prof. Dr. Timm Denecke, Univ. Prof. Dr. Peter Fickert, Prim. Prof. Dr. Thomas Grünberger, Dr. Hans Michael Hau, Univ. Prof. Dr. Philipp Jost, Dr. Andri Lederer, Ass.-Prof. DI Dr. Elisabeth Lex, Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Mazzaferro, Univ. Prof. Dr. Ulf Neumann, Prof. Dr. Robert Öllinger, Dr. Antonia Ratti, Prof. Dr. Nada Rayes, Prof. Dr. Erik Schadde, univ. Prof. Dr. Moritz Schmelzle, Prof. Dr. Daniel Seehofer, Univ. Prof. Priv. Doz. Dr Vanessa Stadlbauer-Köllner, Prim. Prov. Doz. Stefan Stättner, Prof. Dr. Guido Torzilli, Dr. Michael Trauner, Prim. prof. Dr. Albert Tuchmann, Priv. Doz. Dr. Helwig Wundsam
Näheres zum Programm finden Sie hier.