
BioTechMed-Graz Faculty Club, 17.05., 5 pm

We would like to invite you to the BioTechMed-Graz Faculty Club with Flagship Lecture on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 5 p.m. at TU Graz, Stremayrgasse 16, Lecture Hall BMT.

Damiano Lombardi, Ph.D., research scientist at Chargé de Recherche, Inria will talk about “Data assimilation in biomedical applications”:

The first part of the talk will be devoted to a brief overview of different data assimilation problems, arising in several biomedical applications, ranging from safety pharmacology to cardiac haemodynamics.

In the second part of the talk there will be a focus on a recent contribution related to parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification in fluid-structure interaction problems. The introduction of solvers for parametric PDEs (in which the parameters play the role of extra variables) makes it possible to solve these problems efficiently.