16s rRNA microbiome profiling is very popular method for quantitative bacterial characterization of different samples. Tools for the data analysis are already good established and they can be used in the web-based Galaxy platform. This workshop is intended to show full pipeline with all necessary steps of analyzing 16s rRNA microbiome data in Galaxy (preprocessing and QC, generating ASV table, alpha and beta diversity and groups comparison). The course participants will learn the tools and their parameters to properly analyze their own dataset. Upon successful completion of this course, they will be familiar with:
- Upload Microbiome data in Galaxy
- Data preprocessing – generating feature table
- Alpha and beta diversity analysis and visualization
- Groups comparison
- Accessing and reading the generated results
- Requirements: Basics of working with Galaxy platform or previously attended Galaxy training
Hardware and Software: Please take a laptop with you. You can log into Galaxy with your MUG-email.
For registration please fill in the registration formf: https://zmf.medunigraz.at/merag