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Webinar - Auswirkung von KI auf die Lehrmethodik

This webinar will provide insights into how artificial intelligence is reshaping the educational landscape, how education institutions can feel empowered by this change, and how educators can continue leveraging Mentimeter to engage their students to the fullest.

For this webinar, we will be joined by two guest speakers:

  • Lilian Blot, Lecturer at University of York. Lilian will share his own experience, challenges, and successes with generative AI in the teaching context
  • Jakob Boman, AI Team Lead at Mentimeter, who will shine a light onto Mentimeter's developments with AI

By the end of the webinar, you will have learned:

  • What is generative AI
  • How other higher education institutions work with AI, including the pros and cons of its use
  • How our guest speaker, Lilian Blot, uses AI and Mentimeter in his teaching
  • Tips and inspiration on using Mentimeter in this AI age
  • AI features developed by Mentimeter

The session will be interactive and with plenty of time for a Q&A.

The Medical University of Graz has a Campus Licence for Mentimeter - all affiliates and students can use Mentimeter for free. Login via: with your MEDonline credentials!