Flow cytometry has become an essential tool in biological research as well as clinical diagnostics. The technology of flow cytometry enables high-speed analysis and isolation of cells in suspension by rapid and simultaneous analysis of multiple parameters at a single-cell level.
This one-day course will cover the basic fundamentals of this technique and will give an overview of its wide range of applications in biomedical research.
Particular emphasis will be given on the key aspects of designing a successful flow cytometry experiment, including multicolor panel design, instrument set-up, experimental and technical controls, compensation and spillover spreading. This will also be demonstrated by interactive exercises in the hands-on part session of the course. This course is aimed at those who are new to flow cytometry and intend to use it for their research work as well as for users who already have some experience but missed out learning the theoretical basics of flow cytometry. It is also a great opportunity for those users who want to refresh their knowledge about best practices in flow cytometry.
More information: https://zmf.medunigraz.at/merag