Project: Evaluation of vascular calcification biomarkers predicting 1- and 2-year mortality in hemodialysis patients
Supervisor: Kathrin Eller
Antonio Agic
Project: Cardiovascular risk profiles of emerging cancer therapies - a prospective cohort study
Supervisor: Markus Wallner
Jascha Amenitsch
Project: Hemodynamics in chronic hemodialysis patients undergoing isolated ultrafiltration compared to conventional hemodialysis
Supervisor: Alexander Kirsch
Daniel Auinger
Project: CRP-related pneumothorax - an underestimated complication?
Supervisor: Gerhard Prause
Mathias Bader
Project: Light And Noise: Objectively Assessing Environmental Risk Factors of Delirium in the ICU
Supervisor: Pail Zajic
Marco Balasso
Project: Development and validation of mass spectrometry-based analytical methods for the quantitation of bile acids in musculoskeletal metabolism
Supervisor: Markus Herrmann
Petra Martina Baumann
Project: Screening, analysis and reporting environment for glucose data in clinical studies
Supervisor: Julia Mader
Martin Benedikt
Project: Modern anti-diabetics in cardiovascular disease
Supervisor: Markus Wallner
Bujar Berisha
Project: Tear fundtion and ocular surface disorder in patients with vitiligo
Supervisor: Jutta Horwath-Winter
Linda Bliem
Project: Clinical performance of a newly developed test for multiplex PCR detection of respiratory viruses in children and adolescents
Supervisor: Harald Kessler
Marcus Daniel Bloice
Project: Semi-automatic and interactive medical image segmentation based on foundation models
Supervisor. Martin Urschler
Anna Maria Boeck
Project: Questionnaires for chronic gynecologic pain syndromes - a prospective validation study
Supervisor: Gerda Trutnovsky
Angela Valentina Böheim
Project: Preventive strategies for reduction of persistent postoperative pain - a scientometric analysis
Supervisor: Helmar Bornemann-Cimenti
Inga Bollmann
Project: Haemorrhages of the tympanic membrane in relation to the different types of neck compression
Supervisor: Sarah Heinze
Johannes Boyer
Project: Whole genome sequencing of blood samples in patients with bloodstream infections
Supervisor: Ines Schwetz
Maria Brandstetter
Project: The biopsychosocial impact of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus on quality of life and postpartum depression symptoms.
Supervisor: Christina Stern
Celine Kaja Braun
Project: The impact of severe anxiety disorders within the first days after acute myocardial infarction on the development of anxiety disorders, depression and PTSD, with special regard to anxiety symptoms due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Supervisor: Andreas Baranyi
Katharina Brugger
Project: The impact of the maternal metabolic state on embryo development in vitro
Supervisor: Herbert Fluhr
Elke Brunner
Project: Gender Aspekte in der Phoniatrie: Eine Studien zur Geschlechterverteilung sekundär-organischer Dysphobien
Supervisor: Markus Gugatschka
Martina Brunner
Project: Delineating the role of Glucagon and Glucagon measurement in physiology
Supervisor: Harald Sourij
Alena Chalupka
Project: Effectiveness of immunity conferred by previous SARS-CoV-2 infections and/ or vaccinations throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria
Supervisor: Stefan Pilz
Monika Cigler
Project: Getting a deeper insight into hypoglycaemia
Supervisor: Julia Mader
Ilie-Marius Contor
Project: Promotion and development of health literate organizations in the healthcare sector in Styria (Förderung und nEntwicklung der gesundheitskompetenten Organisationen im Gesundheitswesen in der Steiermark)
Supervisor: Regina Roller-Wirnsberger
Gerardo Sebastián De Leòn Salazar
Project: From curative to preventive medicine through extra-oral taste receptors
Supervisor: Eleonore Fröhlich
Daniel Djavid
Project: Influence of SF6 endotamponade on rotational stability of toric monofocal IOLs in combined phacovitrectomy: a prospective pilot study
Supervisor: Anton Haas
Emina Dudakovic
Project: Detection of various microplastics in human carotid artery plaques
Supervisor: Peter Konstantiniuk
Anna-Sophie Eberl
Project: Outcome in patients with atrial fibrillation undergoing catheter ablation with innovative therapies
Supervisor: Daniel Scherr
Lisa Eder
Project: Evaluation of effects on corneal structures after local strontium-90 brachytherapy with special attention on the corneal innervation via in vico confocal microscopy (IVCM): a prospective study
Supervisor: Angelika Karin Klein-Theyer
Beatrice Jasmin Egger
Project: Evaluation of resting heart rate and symptom and prognostic systems in the management of thyroid disorders with a focus on Graves' disease
Supervisor: Stefan Pilz
Matthias Florian Egger
Project: Predicting disease outcome: the role of the human resoiratory and gut microbiome
Supervisor: Martin Hoenigl
Julia Eichberger
Project: Diagnostic accuracy of new inflammatory biomarkers in the diagnosis of neonatal early onset sepsis
Supervisor: Bernhard Resch
Hesahm Elsayed
Project: Characterizing fecal microbiota treatment in human obesity
Supervisor: Julia Mader
Stefan Embacher
Project: Within-host mathematical models for antibody to improve infectious disease study design
Supervisor: Sereina Annik Herzog
Sebastian Eppinger
Project: Retrospective study of cerebral mikrobleeds and subsequent stroke risk in ischaemic stroke
Supervisor: Christian Enzinger
Ana Eres
Project: Feeling different: long-term consequences of migration on syptoms of depression and PTSD among psychiatric patients. Comparison study of psychiatric patients from Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia with and without migrational background
Supervisor: Marius Nickel
Viktoria Rosa Ertler
Project: Internale Einflussfaktoran der Lebensqualität bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit psychiatrischen Auffälligkeiten
Supervisor: Elfriede Renate Greimel
Thomas Falb
Project: Association between intraretinal cystoid fluid modphology and potential visual acuity recovery in exsudative macular pathologies (IRCM)
Supervisor: Anton Haas
Sarah Feigl
Peoject: Andrology and reproduction
Supervisor: Martina Kollmann
Sandra Ferchner
Project: Investigating the age of trace: mRNA as an indicator of the time interval since deposition
Supervisor: Sarah Heinze
Esther Foederl-Hoebenreich
Project: Examination of new therapeutic and preventive options to interfere with viral infectivity and stability
Supervisor: Kurt Zatloukal
Daniel Freidorfer
Project: Inter- and intraobserver variability of the Cormack Lehane airway classification grades: a retrospective single center analysis
Supervisor: Helmar Bornemann-Cimenti
Elena Friehs
Project: Follow up on patients that underwent esophageal repair surgery with a special focus on physical performance, volatile organic substances (VOCs) and the pulmonary microbiome
Supervisor. Georg Singer
Thomas Fuchs
Project: Facial recognition using artificial intelligence to detect sarcopenia in patients with liver or inflammatory bowel diseases
Supervisor: Vanessa Stadlbauer-Köllner
Stefan Valentin Fuerst
Project: Sarcopenia in liver cirrhosis: pathogenesis and clinical relevance
Supervisor: Vanessa Stadlbauer-Koellner
Florian Gallob
Project: Identification of acute coronary occlusion in pateints with NSTEMI based on high-risk ECG patterns
Supervisor: Markus Wallner
Michael Gaube
Project: Introducing artificial intelligence into clinical practice
Supervisor: Andrea Berghold
Christina Geiger
Project: Predicitng risk of regional hemorrhagic fever (Hantavirus infection) - The Styrian HANTANET Project
Supervisor: Stefan Hatzl
Thomas Patrick Georgi
Project: The role of next-generation sequencing for detection of BAP1 mutations and correlation with BAP1 expression in immunohistochemistry
Supervisor: Christoph Schwab
Wilfried Glatz
Project: Vergleich von torischen Intraokularlinsen und gegenseitigen Hornhautinzisionen (opposite clear corneal incisions, OCCI) zur Astigmatismuskorrektur bei der Kataraktoperation
Supervisor: Navid Ardjomand
Thomas Graier
Project: Evaluation of efficacy, safety and impact on comorbidities of biologics of all classes, small molecules and conventional agents in the treatment of psoriasis under daily life conditions
Supervisor: Peter Wolf
Jakob Gran
Project: Adrenocortical and hormones and choroidal thickness
Supervisor: Gerald Seidel
Viktoria Gruber
Project: Neonatologist-performed lung ultrasound (NPLUS) to guide respiratory therapy in term and preterm neonates
Supervisor: Bernhard Schwaberger
Viktoria Gruber
Project: A novel botanical drug for topical treatment of mild to moderate atopic dermatitis in children and adolescents – a randomized, vehicle-controlled, double-blind study.
Supervisor: Barbara Binder
Carmen Gruzei
Project: Visual field progression and RNFL change after PreserFlo MicroShunt implantation - a prospective cohort study at the Ophthalmology Department Klinikum Klagenfurt
Supervisor: Yosuf El-Shabrawi
Andreas Guttmann
Project: Radiation therapy in choroidal mealnoma patients. Influence on meibomian glands, ocular surface and tear retention
Supervisor: Jutta Horwath-Winter
Anna-Maria Haas
Project: Circadian macular volume changes in the healthy human retina
Supervisor: Andreas Wedrich
Arnela Hadzic
Project: Regularization of anatomical landmark localization and medical structure segmentation with generative model priors
Supervisor: Martin Urschler
Melanie Haidegger
Project: Understanding the pathophysiology of cerebral small vessel disease: the Graz Lacunar Stroke Study 2 (GLAS-2)
Supervisor: Thomas Gattringer
Sascha Hammer
Project: Effect of brief conversations on early postoperative well-being. An interventional study.
Supervisor: Paul Puchwein
Astrid Heidinger
Project: Pathogen identification in corneal infections using nanopore sequencing - a clinical prospective trial
Supervisor: Jutta Horwath-Winter
Sven Heldt
Project: Diagnostic potential of immunologic markers in pateints with hematological malignancies at risk for invasive mould infections
Supervisor: Martin Hoenigl
Lioba Heuschneider
Project: Predictors for persistent postoperative pain in patients undergoing thoracostomy
Supervisor: Helmar Bornemann-Cimenti
Thomas Hirsch
Project: The nasal microbiome in the therapy of chronic rhinosinusitis
Supervisor: Axel Wolf
Ruediger Hochstaetter
Project: Effect of intrauterine environment on pro- and anti-inflammatory molecules produced by embryo and fetus during pregnancy
Supervisor: Ursula Hiden
Lukas Hoeflechner
Project: Evaluation of minimal invasive glaucoma surgery: Trabeculectomy vs. PreserfloTM vs. Xen®
Supervisor: Ewald Lindner
Elena Lucia Hofmann-Wellenhof
Project: Artificial intelligence in dermatology - how do quantity and type of meta-data and images effect the accuracy of diagnosis
Supervisor: Rainer Hofmann-Wellenhof
Carola Huber
Project: Changes of individual retinal layer thickness depending on postoperative local eye therapy in uneventful cataract surgery determined by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography over a 6-month period
Supervisor: Domagoj Ivastinovic
Felix Innauer
Project: Two initial faricimab loading doses in treatment-naive neovascular AMD
Supervisor: Anton Haas
Eva Kicker
Project: Molecular interference with virus replication by antiviral peptides
Supervisor: Kurt Zatloukal
Marlen Kleinhans-Oeller
Project: Microbial keratitis: trends at the University Eye Hospital Graz from 2001 - 2019
Supervisor: Eva Schmon
Christoph Klivinyi
Project: The effect of arterial pressure and perfusion during cardiac surgery on neurological outcome parameters
Supervisor: Helmar Bornemann-Cimenti
Michael Koller
Project: Causes and routes of the spread of antibiotic resistances of human origin in river systems
Supervisor: Gernot Zarfel
Sarah Madelaine Kostmann
Project: Determinants of attitudes towards end-of-life decisions among health professionals
Supervisor: Willibald Stronegger
Cornelia Barbara Krenn
Project: Consumer health information systems (CHIS) on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - analysis and development of a toolbox for an interactive, adaptive and individual health information system
Supervisor: Andrea Siebenhofer-Kroitzsch
Lisa Marie Kriegl
Project: Mycobiota and fungal dysbiosis: antifungal immunity and host-pathogen interactions
Supervisor: Robert Krause
Michael Kruger
Project: Effect of primary posterior capsulotomy in phacovitrectomy on postoperative intraocular lens position
Supervisor: Maximilian Gabriel
Amila Kugic
Project: Leveraging non-lexicalized content in clinical narratives
Supervisor: Stefan Schulz
Nani Elisabeth Kulmitzer
Project: The usability of an e-information tool "e-AuGe" for increasing health literacy and improving the informed consent process - a prospective study
Supervisor: Gerald Sendlhofer
Sebastian Paul Labenbacher
Project: Influence of mode of transportation to the operation theatre on patients' satisfaction and perioperative autonomic stress parameters
Supervisor: Helmar Bornemann-Cimenti
Ioana-Claudia Lakovschek
Project: Changes of the pelvic floor during pragnancy and their influence on the mode of delivery
Supervisor: Daniela Gold
Pieter Laska
Project: Comorbidity as a predictor of treatment outcomes and toxicity in patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma: an ambispective study
Supervisor: Florian Posch
Thomas Lederer-Hutsteiner
Project: Prevalence and correlates of internet-related additive behaviour among Styrian pupils
Supervisor: Wolfgang Freidl
Gyoergy Lehner
Project: Incidence of symptomatic thromboembolism in women with gynecologic malignancies: a prospective observational study
Supervisor: Daniela Gold
Wolfgang Michael List
Project: Prospective randomized intraindivuídual comparison of dogotal and manual marking of the axis in refractive surgery for myopic astigmatic eyes with phakic toric intraocular lenses
Supervisor: Gernot Steinwender
Julia Lodron
Project: Mental health, cognitive function and stress-related biomarkers in patients with Long COVID
Supervisor: Christian Fazekas
Ruzica Rosalia Luketina
Project: The postoperative risk evaluation of a secondary peritonitis
Supervisor: Robert Krause
Christopher Male
Project: Comparison of intraarticular application of local abaesthetics versus peripheral regional anaesthesia in patients with total endoprothesis of the knee (K-TEP)
Supervisor: Wolfgang Kröll
Johann Martensen
Project: The influence of mechanical ventilation on the cerebral blood volume and oxygenation in preterm and term infants
Supervisor: Berndt Urlesberger
Marlene Mayer
Project: Supportive care, patient- and life-style-related factors in the course of autoimmunity in children and adolescents within the severe immune cytopenia
Supervisor: Markus Seidel
Lisa Mayr
Project: Prevalence of Gardnerella Vaginalis subgroups in vaginal and urinary microbiome during pregnancy in associations with maternal factors
Supervisor: Herbert Fluhr
Renald Mecani
Project: Automated Insulin Delivery System use during commercial airplane flights
Supervisor: Julia Mader
Nika Medic
Project: Evaluation of tear evaporation rates measured with the VapoMeter: fit for the routine?
Supervisor: Jutta Winter-Horwath
Monja Michelitsch
Project: Facitimab for high-frequent aflibercept treated neovascular age-related macular degeneration: a monocenter, randomized, double-masked, comparator-controlled study
Supervisor: Martin Weger
Ulrich Christian Moser
Project: Composition of the nasopharyngeal microbiome in children with hypertrophic adeniods
Philipp Neurohr
Project: Development of density percentile curves of children for optimizing CT dose
Supervisor: Erich Sorantin
Maximilian Niederer
Project: Resource Use by Delirium Screening and Associated Treatment Changes in Critically Unwell Patients
Supervisor: Paul Zajic
Simon Orlob
Project: Interactions of chest compressions and ventillations in cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Supervisor: Gerhard Prause
Daniel Pfurtscheller
Project: Arterial blood pressure and cerebral tissue oxygenation during immediate transition after birth in term and preterm neonates - a prospective pilot observational study
Supervisor: Gerhard Pichler
Raffaela Miriam Planka
Project: Prognostic factors of cardiogenic shock and the impact of mechanical circulatory support
Supervisor: Dirk von Lewinsky
Markus Plass
Project: Methods for metadata enrichment and creation of artificial whole slide images (WSI) as prerequisite for the development of AI solutions in computational pathology
Supervisor: Luka Brcic
Klara Konstanze Pohl
Project: Gender aspects in urology and impact of uro(onco)logic disease/ surgery on partners' QoL/ sexuality
Supervisor: Marianne Leitsmann
Birgit Pohn
Project: Explainability of workfowls and decisions processes in digital pathology
Supervisor: Kurt Zatloukal
Prisca Pondorfer-Schaefer
Project: Patients with especially challenging tumor localization: optimizing multidisciplinary management of pateints with cancer in the head and neck region from date of diagnosis to follow-up
Supervisor: Dietmar Thurnher
Ena Suppan
Project: Influence of fetal hemoglobin on ncerebral oxygen extraction in term neonates and preterm inmfants measured by NIRS
Supervisor: Gerhard Pichler
Elisabeth Resch
Project: Nosocomila infection in very-low-birth-weight infants (<1500 g): Influence on post-discharge morbidities and neurodevelopmental outcome
Supervisor: Volker Strenger
Uwe Riedmann
Project: Changes in case fatality rates and effectiveness of different forms of immunity throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria
Supervisor: Stefan Pilz
Angelika Rief
Project: Evaluation of changes in axillary surgery by time since implementation of axana (axillary surgery after neoadjuvant treatment) study
Supervisor: Florentina Peintinger
Marc Rijksen
Project: Influence of protective factors on health outcome in acute and post-acute COVID-19
Supervisor: Franziska Matzer
Andrej Roj
Project: The clinical impact of oral substitution of vitamin D deficiency on progressiuon free survival and overall survival in patients with resected non-small cell lung cancer
Supervisor: Joerg Lindenmann
Angelika Rzepka
Project: Development of a Digital Supported Disease Management Programme for Transplant Patients – Txmobile
Supervisor: Daniela Kniepeiss
Heidrun Sagmeister
Project: Prophylactic salpingectomy at nongynecologic surgery to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer - a model for a feasibility study
Supervisor: Karl Tamussino
Judith Samonigg
Project: Therapy of corticosteroid induced diabetes mellitus
Supervisor: Julia Mader
Tamara Sophia Sand
Project: Association of intrafollicular oligosaccharides and proinflammatory cytokines with maternal metabolic conditions
Supervisor: Evelyn Jantscher-Krenn
Eva Schadelbauer
Supervisor: Gunter Sturm
Sarah Schlagenhaufen
Project: Structure-function correlation in people with muco-obstructive lung diseases
Supervisor: Florian Singer
Paul Jakob Schmid
Project: Phenotypical and molecular principles of sporulation, germination and growth of environmental and clinical Bacillus cereus isolates
Supervisor: Clemens Kittinger
Lisa Maria Schmitt
Project: Guiding methimazole therapy in Graves' disease - a randomized controlled trial comparing a computer-aided treatment (Digital Thyroid, Digi Thy) versus usual care
Supervisor: Verena Schwetz
Lukas Schober
Project: Influence of cord clamping on the cerebral oxygenation and perfusion of preterm and term infants
Supervisor: Berndt Urlesberger
Lukas Eustach Schönbacher
Project: Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) in the conteyt of maaternal metabolism during pregancy and lactation
Supervisor: Evelyn Jantscher-Krenn
Laura Viktoria Scholz
Project: Personalized prediction for Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia: Towards a multivariable prediction model in immunocompromised patients with acute respiratory failure or pulmonary infiltrates
Supervisor: Stefan Hatzl
Tanja Daniela Schug
Project: Immune complex vasculitis - etiological factors and a possible link with medication, a retrospective study
Supervisor: Peter Wolf
Anna Theresia Schultz
Project: Frailty and loneliness: longitudinal relationship and measurement properties
Supervisor: Erwin Stolz
Daniel Schwarzl
Project: Evaluation of cardiovascular risk markers in various clinical settings
Supervisor: Stefan Pilz
Leyla Schweiger
Project: Relevance of ardiac biomarker in patients with peripheral arterial disease
Supervisor: Thomas Gary
Melanie Sonja Schweinzer
Project: Learning from people who have lived in an SOS Children's Village Facility: Psychosocial stress and bodily distress syndrome (BDS) in early adulthood
Supervisor: Christian Fazekas
Lukas Seiß:
Project: Stereotactic arrhythmia radioablation (STAR) in the treatment of recurrent ventricular tachycardia
Supervisor: Tanja Langsenlehner
Neli Semrl
Project: Genetic polymorphisms and reproductive outcome
Project: Epidemiologie des Tabakkonsums in Österreich
Supervisor: Wolfgang Freidl
Elisa Sieghartsleitner
Project: A randomized controlled trial comparing integrated bipolar and ultrasonic energy device to conventional energy device in breast surgery
Supervisor: Florentina Peintinger
Katharina Simon
Project: Evaluation of efficacy and patient satisfaction using local anaesthesia versus sedoanalgesia for intradetrusor Botulinum-Toxin A injection for the treatment of idiopathic overactive bladder: a randomised non-inferiority trial
Supervisor: Gerda Trutnovsky
Christoph Manuel Singer
Project: Advanced retinal vessel analysis using neural networks
Supervisor: Gerald Seidel
Christian Smolle
Project: Possibilities and measures to improves health literacy
Supervisor: Gernot Brunner
Katarzyna Sobolewska
Project: Identification of a musculoskeletal metabolic signature associated to chronic liver disease
Supervisor: Nerea Alonso
Michael Sommer
Project: nanopore sequencing in ophthalmology
Supervisor: Gerald Seidel
Cosima Stark
Project: A prospective open randomised trial to test the efficacy of an Assisted therapy optimizing Module to improve Physician adhErence with guideLine-directed medical therapy in patients with heart failure – “AMPEL” trial.
Supervisor: Markus Wallner
Bernhard Steiner
Project: Early detection of radiation-induced vascular damage after ruthenium plaque therapy for uveal melanoma
Supervisor: Christoph Schwab
Markus Steinwender
Project: Clinical characteristics and assessment of serological diagnosis of chronic pulmonary Aspergillosis - The Styrian Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis Cohort
Supervisor: Jürgen Prattes
Marina Stevanov
Project: The impact of the inflammatory ratios neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), monocyte-to-lympgocyte ratio (MLR), platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) on abdominal aortic aneurysm growth
Supervisor: Peter Konstantiniuk
Marko Stijic
At home pain assessment in postoperative children and adolescents after day surgery
Supervisor: Alexander Avian
Hannah Sophie Stöcher
Project: Identification of international dissemination strategies of the choosing wisley campaign to increase its awareness in Austria and to evaluate the impact of speficic strategies on the adherence to choosing wisley recommendations
Supervisor: Andrea Siebenhofer-Kroitzsch
Andrea Streit
Project: Pateint safety: "Assessment tool to evaluate pateint needs after hospital discharge"
Supervisor: Gerald Sendlhofer
Sanja Strini
Project: Changes in microperimetric function in relationship with morphology after intravitreal treatment with faricimab in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration
Supervisor: Rupert Strauß
Jasmin Strutz
Project: MicroRNAs and the regulation of feto-placental endothelila function in pregancies complicated by maternal metabolic derangements
Supervisor: Ursula Hiden
Madeleine Stuebler
Project: Human immunodeficiency cirus type 1 drug resistance testing: Evaluation of a new protocol based on ultra-deep sequencing and comparison with population sequencing
Supervisor: Harald Kessler
Adelina Tmava
Project: A prospective cohort study of neurocognitive function and depression in hypoparathyroidism
Supervisor: Karin Amreich
Hrvoje Tomasic
The effect of music on perioperative anxiety and pain of patients undergoing retrobulbar anaesthesia
Supervisor: Gerald Seidel
Klimentina Trajkova
Project: Influence of Iodine based intravenious contrast media on radiation caused DNA double strand brakes with special focus on different pediatric age groups
Supervisor: Erich Sorantin
Alexander Trausnitz
Project: NeEds-neccessary decision support system
Supervisor: Gerald Sendlhofer
Melina Tsiountsioura
Project: Effects of a 12-month consumption of two plant-based dietary supplements on ncardiovascular health in elderly
Supervisor: Gerhard Cvirn
Alexandru-Christian Tuca
Project: Design and Characterization of a Standardized Porcine Model for Wound Healing Evaluation
Supervisor: Daniela Kniepeiss
Julia Unger
Project: Evaluation of outcome measures assessing functioning and quality of life in Primary Sjögren's syndrome from the perspective of patients
Supervisor: Christian Dejaco
Christian Vajda
Project: Evaluation of psychosocial factors and impact of standardized psychosomatic assessment in pateints with endocrine disorders on health outcomes
Supervisor: Christian Fazekas
Andreas Voetsch
Project: Bleeding in pateints undergoing CABG during dual antiplatelet therapy
Supervisor: Elisabeth Mahla
Kathrin Vollnhofer
Project: Choroidal thickness and cardiovascular risk factors
Supervisor: Gerald Seidel
Katharina Walla
Project: Subjective and objective parameters in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps treated with Mepolizumab
Fabian Wallisch
Project: Prevalence and stages of posterior vitreous detachment in patients with epiretinal membrane
Supervisor: Anton Haas
Thomas Wegscheider
Project: Rapid responses systems (RRS) in the in-hospital emergency management: effects of RRS implementation using a simulation-based approach
Supervisor: Gottfried Fuchs
Sarah Weigl
Project: Molecular surveillance of Austrian Bordetella spp.
Supervisor: Gabriel Wagner-Lichtenegger
Marie-Therese Weiser-Fuchs
Project: Effect of obesity in pregnacy on in vitro maternal endothelial cell function
Supervisor: Herbert Fluhr
Bastian Weiss
Project: The roles of general practitioners and evidence based palliative care approaches in end-of-life-care-networks (patient, home care persons and health professionals) in Austrian primary health care.
Supervisor: Andrea Siebenhofer-Kroitzsch
Veronika Anna Katrin Weiss
Project: Non-invasive methods in pediatric radiology - a focus on neuroradiology
Supervisor: Erich Sorantin
Peter Johannes Werkl
Project: Tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibition in juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Supervisor: Gerald Seidel
David Paul West
Project: Comparison of skill trainings of intraosseous access with EZ-IO® and NIO®
Supervisor: Michael Herbert
Melina Winkler
Project: Diagnostic applications for neonatologist-performed lung ultrasound (NPLUS) in the delivery room
Supervisor: Bernhard Schwaberger
Paul Wintersteller
Project: The influence of Glaucoma surgery on dry eye
Supervisor: Ewald Lindner
Stella Wolfgruber
Project: Physical/ chemical methods for SARS-CoV2 activation
Supervisor: Kurt Zatloukal
Nora Maria Woltsche
Project: Immune response and conjunctival bacterial flora in patients with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis treated with dupilumab
Supervisor: Peter Wolf
Sabine Zenz
Project: Investigating the effect of a glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) agonist on the endogenous glucose production in subjects with type 1 diabetes mellitus
Supervisor: Thomas Pieber
Tobias Ziegler
Project: Effects of a 24-month consumption of two-plant based dietary suplements on selected indicatiors of ageing
Supervisor: Gerhard Cvirn
Christoph Zurl
Project: Non-culture-based methods for the detection of sepsis and identification of sepsis etiology
Supervisor: Robert Krause
Hanna Zurl
Project:Clinical and patient reportetd outcomes in urologic surgery