
Tenure Track Professuren: Starke Impulse für die Wissenschaft

Sie gehören zu den besten internationalen (Nachwuchs-)Wissenschafter*innen und wollen mit Ihrer Pionierleistung die Grundlagen- und klinische Forschung auf ein neues Level heben? Die besten internationalen (Nachwuchs-)Wissenschafter*innen, die sich im Auswahlverfahren behaupten, bekommen als Tenure Track Professor*innen an der Med Uni Graz eine einzigartige Möglichkeit: Sie etablieren eine Arbeitsgruppe für Ihr Forschungsfeld im hochmodernen, patient*innennahen Umfeld der Medical Science City Graz und bringen im Rahmen einer langfristigen wissenschaftlichen Karriere Ihre Expertise in die internationale Forschungscommunity Ihres Spezialgebiets ein. Die Besetzung erfolgt zunächst befristet auf sechs Jahre, die für die Erfüllung einer Qualifizierungsvereinbarung zur Verfügung stehen (bei herausragenden und außergewöhnlichen Leistungen kann eine Evaluierung der Qualifizierungsvereinbarung auch in einem kürzeren Zeitrahmen erfolgen). Bei Erreichen der vereinbarten Ziele erfolgt die Überleitung in ein Arbeitsverhältnis auf unbestimmte Zeit als Assoziierte*r Professor*in; damit ist neben der Zugehörigkeit zur Kurie der Professor*innen auch die Übernahme der Verantwortung für das eigene Forschungsfeld verbunden. Auf zu neuen Forschungsufern!

Einblicke in unsere Arbeit

Julia Kargl ist als Assistenzprofessorin am Lehrstuhl für Pharmakologie tätig

Der Lehrstuhl für Pharmakologie sucht eine/n

Tenure Track Professor of Lung Cancer Metabolism

Kennzahl: LS-PHARMA-2024-002749

Bewerbungsfrist: 13.06.2024

We are looking for an excellent researcher to advance an internationally recognized research agenda in the field of lung cancer metabolism. The successful candidate is expected to conduct research and teaching in the field of tumor pharmacology with a focus on tumor metabolism, innovative cell and translational animal models and therapeutic targets. The new position will complement the research activities of the Division of Pharmacology at the Otto Loewi Research Center. The initial appointment is limited to six years. After the conclusion of a qualification agreement, the career advancement goal is to transfer to a tenured position as an associate professor (tenure track professor pursuant to § 99 para. 5 and 6 of the Universities Act). If the candidate demonstrates outstanding and remarkable achievements, the qualification agreement may be fulfilled more quickly.

Ihre Aufgaben in dieser Position beinhalten:

  • Conducting cutting-edge translational research in the field of tumor metabolism with a focus on lung cancer that uses innovative cell and animal models and clinical samples to reach pharmacological targets
  • Writing and publishing high-quality scientific papers in reputable journals
  • Acquiring third-party funding and taking the lead in such research projects
  • Establishing and leading an internationally renowned research group
  • Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, supervising diploma and PhD students as well as mentoring and promoting young researchers
  • Establishing and maintaining networks through local, national and international research collaborations
  • Supporting scientific and public outreach in the research area (public lectures, media, etc.)
  • Actively participating in the organization and management of the Division of Pharmacology, including matters related to teaching
  • Giving lectures and seminars, actively contributing to conferences, hosting visitors and organizing conferences

Für diese Position bringen Sie folgende Qualifikationen und Kenntnisse mit:

  • PhD or MD/PhD or equivalent doctoral degree in life sciences with extensive experience in tumor metabolism in lung cancer
  • Excellent scientific track record with an emphasis on publications in the field of biochemical pharmacology with a focus on glycolytic metabolism
  • Experience in leading a research group
  • Successful acquisition of competitive research grants and third-party funding
  • Postdoctoral research fellowship abroad or at a different institution than where the PhD or MD/PhD was completed of at least 6 months
  • Experience in teaching and (co)supervising undergraduate and/or postgraduate students (depending on the applicant’s career stage)
  • High level of proficiency in both written and spoken English (equivalent to proficiency level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and strong willingness to teach in German within 2 years

Idealerweise zählen zu Ihrem Profil:

  • Proven ability to develop, initiate and carry out interdisciplinary projects in the field of lung cancer biology and pharmacology
  • Willingness to cooperate, open-mindedness and ability to work in a team
  • Communication and social skills
  • Proficient German language skills
  • Outstanding level of motivation
  • Systematic and analytical mindset, excellent organizational skills
  • Responsible work habits, resilience and ability to solve problems

Eintrittsdatum: 01.10.2024

initially limited to 6 years; becoming a tenured position when the qualification agreement is met

Beschäftigungsausmaß: 100%

Einstufung in die Verwendungsgruppe A2 nach Kollektivvertrag für ArbeitnehmerInnen der Universitäten.

Application: The Medical University of Graz invites all applicants to submit their application online by 13 June 2024.

Statutory information: The minimum remuneration is based on the collective agreement for university employees (KV § 49.2).

Scheduled date for job interview: 19 August 2024 at the Medical University of Graz

The Medical University of Graz is committed to increasing the proportion of women in management positions at universities in Austria and encourages qualified women to apply. Among applicants with equal qualifications, female applicants will be given priority. We also welcome applications from qualified individuals with disabilities and encourage them to apply.

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