On Wednesday, April 09, 2025, at 08.30 a.m. the next Science Breakfast will take place as Webex online meeting (The link to the meeting will be sent out before the event.).
Dr. Joana Leitão (Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences (NMES), King’s College London) will give a lecture on „The importance of scientific outreach activities”.
“Science communication is a broad umbrella term that covers different forms of engagement strategies, each targeting different audiences, having specific aims, and using a diverse range of communication mediums. Focusing specifically on outreach and public engagement with research, Dr. Joana Leitão aims to convey how engaging in these activities can benefit not only your research and teaching but can equally contribute to developing skills that are important in any career. Along the way, the speaker will showcase different projects she has been involved in since transitioning from academia to science communication. Alongside some pointers on how to tackle this type of projects, these examples will hopefully provide the inspiration needed to jumpstart your own science communication projects.”
Anmeldung bis 07.04.2025: https://biotechmedgraz.at/en/biotechmed-graz/events/science-breakfast/