

Session 3: Academia

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Eva Böhm

Dr. Eva Böhm is currently an Associate Professor at the Otto Loewi Research Center, Division of Pharmacology (Med Uni Graz) since 2017. She obtained her PhD from the Karl-Franzens University of Graz in the year 2008 after completing her PhD thesis under the supervision of Dr. Akos Heinemann. She then continued as a postdoctoral researcher at the Division of Pharmacology until 2011 when she was awarded the Erwin Schrödinger fellowship from the FWF as well as the Postdoctoral Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) from the National Institute of Health where she went on to pursue her postdoctoral studies in the group of Dr. Helene Rosenberg. She returned to Graz where she continued as a postdoctoral researcher for two years after which she took up the position of Assistant Professor. Through her academic career, she has gained expertise in the area of immunopharmacology, with a specific interest in understanding the immune responses associated with allergic and airway inflammation.

Dr. Marion Mußbacher completed her Master´s in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Graz. She then pursued her PhD under the supervision of Dr. Bernd Mayer at the University of Graz where she explored the role of adipose triglyceride lipase in cardiac and endothelial dysfunction. She continued as a postdoctoral fellow at the department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at Uni Graz. She then joined the group of Dr. Johannes Schmidt at the Institute for Vascular Biology and Thrombosis Research, Med Uni Vienna as a postdoctoral fellow for 4 years where she extensively studied cellular mediators, which link inflammation and thrombosis. She successfully completed her postdoctoral career at the laboratory of Dr. Elena Galkina, in the Eastern Virginia Medical School, Virgina, USA. As a part of her PhD and postdoc, she has carried out research stays at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, as well as Karolinska Institute, Sweden. Currently, she is back home at Graz as an Assistant professor for Molecular Immunology of the Cardiovascular System at the department of Pharmacology and Toxicology in the University of Graz, Austria. She has also received several awards and honors including the Max Klade Fellowship, the EAS young investigator fellowship and the ISTH- young investigator award.

Marion Mussbacher
Thomas Vogl

Dr. Thomas Vogl completed his PhD from the Graz University of Technology in the year 2015 in Molecular Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology. He then moved to Queensland University of Technology at Brisbane, Australia, where he pursued his first postdoctoral research in the group of Stephen Mahler and Lars Nielsen. The Endeavour Research Fellowship from the Australian government department of Education and Training supported this postdoctoral study. This was followed by a short postdoctoral fellowship at the Graz University of Technology at the group of Prof. Anton Glieder after which he took up the position of Associate scientist at Sandoz, a Novartis company from 2016 until 2017. In the year 2017, he received the Erwin Schrödinger fellowship, which supported his senior postdoctoral position in Israel at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics and Department of Molecular Cell Biology in the group of Professor Eran Segal. During his time at the Weizmann institute, he was a recipient of the innovative awards in systems biology. His final lap as a postdoctoral researcher took place at the Medical University of Graz in the group of Dr. Christine Moissl-Eichinger. In the year 2022, he took up the position of Group leader at the Center for Cancer Research at the Medical University of Vienna.

Dr. Manju Kumari is currently a junior group leader at the Department of Internal medicine III, Heidelberg University. She hold a bachelor´s degree in Chemistry and a Master´s degree in Biochemistry, both from the University of Pune in India. She then worked as a Junior Scientist at Dr. Reddy´s laboratory, India. She moved to Graz in the year 2007 where she pursued her PhD studies at the University of Graz in the institute of molecular biosciences under the supervision of Dr. Rudolf Zechner. She then went on to carry out her postdoctoral research at Harvard University, Division of Endocrinology from the year 2012 until the year 2017. She then moved to Hamburg, Germany as an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at IBMZ, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf where the was then promoted to senior postdoctoral fellow before she moved to Department of Internal medicine III, Heidelberg University, as a junior group leader.

Manju Kumari

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