General university staff

General university staff: Foundation for professional development

You create the foundation for progress by the pioneering minds at our university and are essential to its success. The expertise of our general university staff provides substantial support. We offer an attractive environment in which you can continue your personal development and exploit your full potential. Our university offers challenging areas of activity in an exciting environment of great relevance to society—from human resources to financial management to administrative activities and much more. Inspire us and be inspired!

Einblicke in unsere Arbeit

Barbara Ostermann ist Vorstandssekretärin an der Universitätsklinik für Zahnmedizin und Mundgesundheit.

The Division of Cardiology is looking for a

Science and Quality Coordinator

Identification number: KA-KARDI-2024-002909

Application time: 09/30/2024

Core duties and responsibilities:

  • Introduction of Quality Measures and there Scientific Analysis
  • Design of power point presentations, publications and grant applications
  • Planning, support and billing of third-party financed projects
  • Planung and Organisation of scientic events
  • Maintenance of the Webpage of the University Heart Center Graz

Successful candidates must have the following qualifications:

  • completed High School degree
  • excellent command of the english language
  • very good IT knowledge
  • communication and team skills

The ideal candidate has the following profile:

  • Experience in simular position in scientific environment
  • completed Bachelor or Master Degree
  • Experience with Project Controlling and Quality Management
  • Experience in Eventmanagement

Entry date: 08/21/2024

Level of employment: 100%

Classification in employment group IIIa according to the collective agreement for university employees.

Wir bieten ein kollektivvertragliches Jahresbruttogehalt auf Basis Vollzeit in Höhe von EUR 41.424,60. Anrechenbare Vordienstzeiten führen zu einem höheren Grundgehalt.

Wir bieten Ihnen ein offenes und freundliches Arbeitsumfeld, eine verantwortungsvolle Tätigkeit in einem engagierten Team und ein herausforderndes Aufgabengebiet. Ein umfassendes Weiterbildungsangebot eröffnet Ihnen langfristige persönliche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten.

Die Med Uni Graz ist bemüht, Menschen mit Behinderung in allen Bereichen einzustellen, daher werden Personen mit ausschreibungsadäquater Qualifikation besonders ermutigt, sich zu bewerben.

Apply now

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